Season 1 Episode 1 is Finally Here!

We are happy to announce the inaugural episode of Art of Interference. This new podcast is produced at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. It has been made possible with the generous support of the Climate Studies Fund of the College of Arts & Science.

We—Jen Gutman, Tori Hoover, Maren Loveland, Emma Reimers, and Lutz Koepnick—have been collaborating over the past year to bring you stories and interviews with artists and scientists about climate change and what contemporary art can do to address this most pressing issue of our time.

Our first season focuses on Water in all its various forms. From dew to snow, we will journey through the changing manifestations of this element over ten episodes (released roughly every other week) and hear inspiring insights from inspiring artists, activists, and scholars around the globe.

We hope you enjoy this first episode and spread the word!

Your AoI Team

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